(Click on "schedule" tab at top of page to see our daily practice times & location)

- Saturday, September 14th Skyline practice moved to Kino 8:30am-9:30am
Saturday, September 21st Skyline practice moved to Kino 8:30am-9:30am
- Saturday, September 28th team time trials at Kino 7am (no other practice available)
- Saturday 10/26 & Sunday 10/27 Ron Jon meet at ASU
- Saturday, 12/14 team Christmas party 11am-1pm (more info coming)

Discount on MP3 Player

New member Richard Chandler works for the business below…some of you noticed him wearing SwiMP3 player which they sell. Richard has very graciously extended a discount to our team members!

If you are interested in either this or any other item on their site click through and type in MASTER at checkout to get a 10% discount!
