(Click on "schedule" tab at top of page to see our daily practice times & location)

- Saturday, September 14th Skyline practice moved to Kino 8:30am-9:30am
Saturday, September 21st Skyline practice moved to Kino 8:30am-9:30am
- Saturday, September 28th team time trials at Kino 7am (no other practice available)
- Saturday 10/26 & Sunday 10/27 Ron Jon meet at ASU
- Saturday, 12/14 team Christmas party 11am-1pm (more info coming)

May Updates

Team, the summer season is set to begin next week and along with it some things to be aware of:

- Memorial Day weekend Saturday and Sunday workouts stay the same, however on Monday (5/31) we will only have one workout which will be from 8-9:30am

- Workout times will stay the same, be sure however to check the website as there will be a lot of meets going on that we may be adjusting workout times and possible moving to Carson if we can't use Kino.

- A reminder that if you are not swimming to please let us know so we can "freeze" your account! The billing system automatically attaches a $25 late fee on any balance that is not paid up by the 10th of the month, also be sure to look at your account/invoice and if there are discrepancies let us know!

- Mornings starting 6/1: This will be far and away the busiest and most crowded time to train until mid-July as the age group swimmers start training at 5:30am. Masters will have access to long course but it will be somewhat limited on M-W-F (1-2 lanes), we will have the diving well set up short course for the majority of the team and if you would like some extra workout time you can come at 5:30am...the actual organized workout however will start at 6am

- Access to Kino: If you come at noon or in the evening you will need to enter and exit through the main lobby and need to show your USMS card to get in. If you have not yet registered now would be a great time...membership provides insurance coverage, is required for open water swims and masters meets...form is attached (workout group is MAC). 

- Speaking of meets and open water swims this Sunday is the Lake Pleasant race (info on the website) and a week from Saturday is our masters long course meet (need your entries by this weekend, also still need volunteers).

Here's looking forward to a GREAT summer...enjoy the cold temps (in and out of the pool) as it will be changing  soon!