(Click on "schedule" tab at top of page to see our daily practice times & location)

- Saturday, September 14th Skyline practice moved to Kino 8:30am-9:30am
Saturday, September 21st Skyline practice moved to Kino 8:30am-9:30am
- Saturday, September 28th team time trials at Kino 7am (no other practice available)
- Saturday 10/26 & Sunday 10/27 Ron Jon meet at ASU
- Saturday, 12/14 team Christmas party 11am-1pm (more info coming)


Click here for meet results!

Click here for the March 2014 Newsletter!

And I will say it again, and again, and again...stay away from "supplements"!! Last week "Craze" a popular supplement sold online, Wal Mart, GNC, etc. suspended sales after traces of amphetamine were found in the product. Here's another way to look at this stuff: Originally published: August 19, 2013 7:48 PM Updated: August 23, 2013 3:26 PM By DELTHIA RICKS | [email protected] About 70 percent of the nation's supplement companies have run afoul of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's manufacturing regulations over the past five years, according to a...

Thank you Olivier Poirier-Leroy contributer to SwimSwam.com where this was published! So here are 8 little points of etiquette to remember as we jump back into a new season– 1. THE BLACK LINE ZOMBIE. Swimming is an anti-social sport in some regards; we spend hours on end swimming back and forth, lost in our thoughts, often too out of breath between sets and repeats to spend any remaining air on conversation. During our unending march up and down the pool, it’s easy to get hypnotized by that tiled, black line...

Click here for the September 2013 MAC Masters newsletter!

Team, we have just received word that our Grand Prix event has been nominated by SportsTravel as "Best Amateur Event" of 2013! We can't thank all of our wonderful volunteers along with the City of Mesa, Mesa Parks & Rec, VistMesa.com and Mesa Public Schools for partnering with us to make the meet such an incredible success! Now help the cause and go to http://www.sportstravelmagazine.com./ and click on the tab at the top to vote! Here are more details: News: For Immediate Release Media Contact: Nicole Goddeyne/SportsTravel at (310) 577-3700...

Indian University, IU News Room, Friday, July 12, 2013 The fountain of youth might just be in a lap pool near you, according to research at Indiana University Bloomington's Counsilman Center for the Science of Swimming, which is examining the effects of long-term participation in vigorous activity on "optimal aging." Jeanne Johnston, assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology, studies the role of physical activity in healthy aging. The researchers are adding a new twist to aging research by studying a very active population. Recent studies, says Counsilman Center Director...

What Do I Eat The Night Before A Race? By Pip Taylor Published Jun 5, 2013 Updated Jun 5, 2013 at 1:28 PM UTC What do I eat the night before a race? Do I have to have a special meal or follow a strict diet the day before? Do I ever have a beer or a glass of wine? I get asked these questions a lot. Mostly the people asking are not as interested in what I eat or drink but secretly hope that their pre-race pizza and lager...

Team, attached is the list of events for this summer...the second race is on May 11th so hoping we can have a great turnout! Go Mac!

Athletes may be at a greater risk for developing blood clots than the rest of the population. Here's how to protect yourself and spot symptoms. By Jenny Hadfield Published January 17, 2013 I just heard that you developed two blood clots in three months! How is it possible for a person like you, who is fit and healthy, to develop clots? —My family and friends. "Listen to your body." I’ve heard it a thousand times and have written it just as many. Little did I know those four words would...